10 Olympic Lessons
Say what you will about their cooking, the British certainly know how to throw a party! Team Phenix has thoroughly enjoyed "participating" in the summer games, and we've learned a few things along the way. I wonder if any of these have come up in your home.
1. Competition can be fun in almost any area of life.
pyramid building
2. We aren't afraid to be fans!
3. Soccer by any other name is just as fun.
4. Synchronized anything isn't as easy as it looks.
synchronized swimming?
5. Having a "signature pose" is important.
Gymnastics pose
6. Nail the fundamentals! Float before you swim.
Float before you swim
7. Gymnastics reminds us we're not as flexible as we think.
8. Diving requires practice AND courage.
9. Seeing the world get along is a beautiful thing.
10. We all need a nap! Man is our sleep schedule outta whack!
olympic watching
What a great way to close out the summer. Hopefully your country's athletes have made you proud. The past 17 days inspire me to embrace my fellow man as well as hit the gym!
Well done London. Thanks for having us!