39 Wins - The Under-Achiever's Bucket List
These days it seems people are always talking about "bucket lists." These are lists which contain a dozen (or two?) life-long dreams, or "things to do before I die." Sometimes they are ambitious: run my own company. Sometimes they are audacious: make a ding in the universe. Frequently they are challenging: run a marathon. Often they relate to travel: visit every continent.
And, almost always, they are sincere and earnest.
Although I'll tackle eating and reading lists, I've never conjured up the energy to make a sincere bucket list. In fact, the list of "wins" and things that make me do a little victory dance are embarrassingly mundane.
Still, my list is mostly achievable (#27 being the notable exception), and, as a result, I find joy in my under-achieving bucket list.
See if any of these register with you!