Are You Sitting On the Sidelines?

"It it better to be making the news than taking it; to be an actor rather than a critic."Winston Churchill


In case you're new to this space, I started my own entrepreneurial gig about six months ago (after about a year of planning) and I'm finally adjusting to a new reality.  Getting going has taken longer than I hoped, but it's been more fun than I imagined.   In fact, as I find my new Executive Coaching/Executive Producing/Executive Summer Fun Director groove, I'm discovering is it's MUCH more fun to do than to talk.

You probably won't retweet that last thought.

Maybe you don't move into slow-motion as the temperatures rise.  Maybe you've never experienced summer doldrums. Perhaps you are currently setting your world on fire (in a good way!).  Awesome!

Still, if you're like me, the gravitational pull of any given day is to stay with what's familiar; to lean into comfortable routines and only occasionally try something new.

I mean, it's so HOT -- wouldn't you rather be by the pool or sipping a tea (sangria?) under the umbrella?  There's nothing unappealing about that scenario.

However, this is the season to explore and try something new!  This is the time to be bold and adventurous; to bond your Team and make amazing memories.

Don't hesitate.

Jump in!  The water is definitely warm!