You Can Be A Bright Spot

bright spot
bright spot

I was on a flight the other day barely noticing the announcement relaying the details of our flight.  At the end of the announcement I caught the final sign off - - "After take off we will be dimming the cabin lights in order to enhance the appearance of the flight attendants." There it was. Something unexpected - humor.

A Bright Spot.

It had been a long day trip, and I had been through the typical hassle of modern air travel. The erratic cab ride, the long lines, the TSA inspection - standard stuff.  I was anxious to get home and road weary.  I didn't need to be entertained.

I just wanted to be home.

I'm betting that's exactly where the flight attendant wanted to be too - but she was still working.  She made a decision to make an extra effort - to be slightly brave and try out some self-deprecating humor with her fatigued passengers.

It wasn't a life-of-the-party moment.  I don't think I even LOL'd (a new past tense verb).  However, I appreciate the stab at creativity.

I appreciate that she wasn't reading the script. I appreciated that she was working hard at keeping people happy.

Have you noticed that it's a tough gig serving the public these days?

I try to remember that when I have a long or demanding day.  Other people are having demanding days too, but some of them are digging deep.  They are committed to being a bright spot.

I need to remind myself that I have potential to be someone's bright spot.

So do you!


Post Script - I am spending this week with the family and won't be formally writing.  I hope you enjoy these VERY early posts from my earliest days on this blog!