Finishing Well


"We rate the ability in men by what they finish, not by what they attempt."  Unknown

I love pumpkins. I like carving them at Halloween. I love cooking with them and, of course, decorating with them.

I have a fantastic craft, courtesy of Martha Stewart, for making felt pumpkins. They are ideal for both Halloween and Thanksgiving decor.

Trust me, it's a SUPER cute idea that's perfect for sewing while catching up on the DVR backlog.  I can't wait for the leaves to change and I can bust out these creations. Undoubtedly, Pinterest will be set afire with all of the gorgeous photos I post.

The only problem: I started the craft almost four years ago and have yet to finish a single squash.

Instead, the half-sewn pumpkins are living in a canvas bag, occasionally moving between closets.

Can you relate?

Maybe you don't struggle with half-finished crafts, but with half-baked ideas. Perhaps you start the diet, but don't see it through to your goal. Or, it could be your work projects only get half of your attention before you drift off to something else.

Starting is important, but finishing well is what differentiates you from the rest of the crowd.

Ha! this soccer team was doing some excessive celebration after a goal and got totally owned when the ref blew the whistle for the next kick-off. the team in yellow had an open field and an open goal while the morons in blue & white watched them run down the field.

The video below reminds me why finishing well is so important.

What have you started that needs your attention?

Look through your closets - at work and at home - and see!