Getting Older.
Joy & Amy Kids
Today is my Birthday.
I think the only one more surprised than I that I'm 47 is my mom and dad. I’ve long since stopped caring whether there’s a big hoopla around my birthday. Still, since I’m game to celebrate most ANY thing, I’ve decided to embrace the anniversary and welcome the kind wishes. I also decided to compile my own set of birthday “observations.” These thoughts rattle around my brain at this time every year.
They are, in no particular order:
- I can’t believe I’m older than my parents were when their kids were all grown up; ergo, my parents were SUPER young when they had me!
- Facebook makes birthdays less painful. (Thanks for the nice words!)
- I sincerely don’t care about birthday gifts (not my love language).
- Your presence is my present. (See above).
- I REALLY care about cards from my kids (and, yes, I’ll save ‘em).
- If you are doing the gift thing, use a Birthday String.
- If you insist on shopping someplace, might I suggest Nordstrom?
- Don’t be offended by gift returns.
- Don’t demand that your husband make a fuss over you, but…
- Don’t protest if your kids want to make your birthday a big deal.
- Homemade cakes are better than store-bought ones.
- Carrot cake, cupcakes, pie, plain old yellow cake, but never, EVER coconut (sorry Jen).
- A la mode. Always.
- I secretly envy how one-year-olds eat their cakes by the fistful. May I?
- Sing and sing LOUDLY!
- Don’t worry if you forget my birthday because I usually reciprocate.
- Age gaps are closing at an alarming rate.
- Embrace the “Big Ones” in big ways.
- Don’t lie about your age because eventually you’ll lose track.
- Remember; it’s not the years that matter, it’s the mileage.
- Many celebrities of my youth are aging less gracefully than I. Who would have known? (See #20)
- There are categories of clothes you should not be wearing after a certain age. : (
- Survived another year! JEYAH! (Repeat)
- It’s wise to number your days.
- 50 is the new 30. (I wish I knew what that meant.)
- The advice about using sunscreen was true, though my 15-year-old self still wouldn’t believe it.
- Eventually your body betrays you.
- Spend time thinking about the future, not the past.
- Aging does not mean that you have to embrace Musak.
- Nor does aging mean that you have to wear sensible shoes.
- Being old doesn’t mean you should be bossy.
- Being older DOES mean you should have control of your tongue.
- Only marry a younger man if you can embrace your inner “cougar.” (Right, Sis?)
- When people say “you don’t look your age!” don’t argue with them. Say thanks even if you don’t believe them.
- Don’t delete pictures you hate of yourself. Eventually, you’ll look back fondly on your younger days and think you look pretty good!
- Make a fuss over every gift and kind wish you receive.
- Treat your birthday as an opportunity to give to someone else.
- Growing older doesn’t mean you should stop dreaming big.
- If you've dyed your hair most of your life, you don’t notice any gray.
- There isn’t a “double digit” age where you have the excuse to stop trying to look presentable. (Bra-less ladies at the grocery store and men who don’t bother with belts, I’m talking to you...)
- Decide, in advance, to have a Happy Birthday.
- Birthdays are especially awesome when you’re coming off of a vacay with your husband!
- Big brothers & sisters shape your life in ways you can’t describe.
- Eventually you’ll think it’s a compliment if your sister steals your clothes.
- I still don’t think the baby of the family is necessarily spoiled.
- Childhood stories are hard to find. Tell them often.
- If possible, call your parents and thank them.
Which of these ring true for you? Let me know!