How A Son Can Change The World
"You are the most talented, most interesting, andmost extraordinary person in the universe. And you are capable of amazing things. Because you are the Special. And so am I. And so is everyone. The prophecy is made up, but it's also true. It's about all of us. Right now, it's about you. And you... still... can change everything." Emmet – The Lego Movie
10 years ago today Billy and I welcomed our son Josh into the world.
To say Josh has made the world a better place only scratches the surface of what this kid has done for us.
Josh overflows with life and adventure. We are inspired by who he is. This kid…
Makes us laugh daily.Asks thought provoking questions.Makes us step up our burping game.Sleeps like his life depends on it.
Snuggles like it’s his job.
Keeps us current on the Clash of Clan wars.Loves & protects his big sister.
Impresses us with his mad Lego Skillz.
Challenges us to know the “why” behind everything.
Reminds us to protect our security codes.
Ensures the dog is prayed for at EVERY dinner prayer.
Prowls the soccer pitch like a champ.Jumps at any chance to spend time with a best friend.Is always on the ready to clarify a debated or forgotten detail of any Marvel or Transformers movie.Quotes Calvin & Hobbes at a regular clip.Jumps in with both feet...and four paws!
Always bounces back from the bumps and bruises.
Can dig and build sandcastles for days.Cheers for the Jackets and the Bruins!Looks great as a cartoon!Loves adventure.
Never turns down a chance to laugh, create, wrestle, hug or get in the middle of the mix.Beyond making the world a better place, Josh makes our family a better team.
Welcome to double-digits Josh!
Happy Happy Birthday!