Ideas For Being A Great Dad

Maybe it’s selective perception, or maybe I can’t see past all of the mom blogs, but there’s not a ton of advice on how to be a great dad.  My dad taught me 10 ½ lessons, which I’m passing along to my son. However, my husband imparts some critical “must do” habits himself! There are the "guiding principles" (Love God, Love People), the "typical expressions" ("Life's not fair" ), and the family values (have fun, eat on time), but there are also a handful of extra things that make "dad time" extraordinary!

For all of you current or potential dads, this one’s for you!

Take Kids on Adventures

Pay no attention to heat and humidity (they build character!), just get out of the house!  And then, pose for goofy pictures during the excursion.


Prioritize Snuggle Time

No need to rush when you can hang out and chat. Slow down and chill out! Don’t be afraid to have a dog in the mix.


Travel Light

There’s no reason to take more than you need, especially since you must carry your own bag (most of the time).


Befriend Technology

Whether you’re geocaching or figuring out how to solve a Rubix cube, the information super-highway is SUPER.  Use it well young grasshopper.


Embrace The Pets


Your home, car, and clothes will eventually show pet hair. Go with it. Bond with the dog (always a dog, since cats will steal your car keys – or worse) and life will be better, always.


Take Responsibility

People fall off ladders, so guard them. Hair gets messy, so bring a brush. When you’re on duty, see to Every. Last. Detail.


Keep Mom Happy

Even when you don’t feel like eating at In-n-Out Burger, or building a set for the Christmas card picture (see above), or waiting in line for seasonal lights, indulge Mom's dreams. No one’s happy if Mom’s not happy, and every Dad should know that!


Happy Father's Day to my EXTRAORDINARY husband! Team Phenix LOVES you!!