Looking for laughter
“With mirth and laughter let old wrinkles come.” William Shakespeare
I found an insightful clipping among my son's homework.
His job was to diagram his answer to the question, "What makes you laugh?" In reading his answers, I was startled to find what my eight-year old thinks is funny used to make me laugh too. Though, in truth, some of the categories don't seem as hysterical any more.
Sometimes I look straight past the humor of the moment and lean into the seriousness of life. What a shame. Enjoying life means leaning the OTHER direction and keeping a sharp eye for the comedy in life.
In Grapes of Wrath, John Steinbeck describes a character as having a habit, “... to build up laughter out of inadequate materials.”
I could do much worse.
I took my son's list as encouragement to notice the funny things around me. In case you can't read the diagram, here's a snapshot of the list.
Mess ups
Especially funny if you don't have to do the cleaning.
Of course, the entire internet thinks cats are funny. No secret there.
Giant ice cream
Funnier still, make sure you get plenty on your face!
Who doesn't love a good prank? Falling objects, surprise endings, hiding stuff -- these are raw materials for laughs. I need more capers in my life!
My sister
My son meant his sister, my first born. She DOES make me laugh.
But MY sister has been making me laugh and love life a bit longer!
We are thankful for cousins on both coasts and can't get over how much we enjoy their company. When families get together, nothing's better than making silly faces for cameras!
Funny songs
Say what you will about "Call Me Maybe," but the sheer number volume of laughter from imitating the cotton candy melody has been worth the playlist overkill.
My Dog
No surprise here - the puppy always gets the love and the laughs.
U jouks (Your jokes?)
What does a snail say when he's riding on a turtle's back? (wait for it....) Whee!!! You know you love it!
Car Tracks
Do you not know about the laughs to be had around car tracks? What's wrong with you? You must be a girl!! : )
Wishing you a weekend full of laughter!