The List: Chef Liu

If you're a Buford Highway dining fan, chances are you already know about Chef Liu's. This seems to be everyone's favorite Chinese food spot.  I have had this restaurant on my list to visit for a while, but when I'm in the area I find the pull of Korean and Japanese cuisine too strong to resist.

Fortunately, the Best Dish List pulled me in!

What amused me about this place being on The List is that the mention didn't come with what I associate with Chinese food, namely a pastry!

The mention goes to the Cruller with soy milk.  The dish is categorized under the breakfast section, but the restaurant lists it as an appetizer.  Considering the restaurant doesn't open until 10:30, I never made it there for breakfast!


I wasn't sure what to expect, but then this gorgeousness arrived...As you can see, I skipped the sweet soy milk in favor of tea. I LOVE tea, so this didn't feel like a sacrifice and the flaky goodness of the cruller was incredible.


It was also super hot!!  I started to break the bread in half and dropped it before my hand was seared!  You can see the itty bitty pinch I barely got off.I absolutely loved the flaky goodness!

Since I WAS there at lunch time, I also thought I'd sample a couple of the dishes people rave about on assorted websites. The first, and biggest hope was around the soup dumplings.  You may recall I discovered soup dumplings in DENVER (of all places) and have been searching for great versions here in Atlanta.


I was really hopeful I had found my place especially when the basket arrived and looked like this.Preeeeetttty!!!!

Unfortunately, while they were perfectly tasty, there wasn't anything distinguishing about them.  They had a pork filling and no real soup.


So the search continues. (Please give me suggestions!!)


Next up, I tried the hot and cold noodles.  This dish also has a large fan base.  When the plate arrived, my eyes were pleased (which is half the battle).Fortunately, this was MUCH more flavorful than the dumplings.  I ordered the dish with "regular" or "medium" heat and it was still SUPER spicy (Billy was not a fan).  So be warned: if you order this dish, make adjustments accordingly.

And definitely get the Cruller!!