#69 - Helping Kids Face Their Fears


What do you feel when your kid is afraid? Frustrated? Embarrassed? Does it make you fearful as well? How do you respond to their fears? Do you push them? Or do you let them be?

This episode kicks around those topics and gives you a few things to talk about with the people in your life.

Talk about this:

1 - Are our child's fears age and developmentally appropriate? (Google age milestones!) - If not, make a plan for getting professional help - EVERYONE WILL BE HAPPIER IF YOU ADDRESS THE ISSUE!

2 - Take a close look at YOUR behavior and ask yourself - are we too accommodating? are we anxious? are we impatient or easily frustrated by our kid's fears?

3 - MAKE A PLAN - how can we practice gradually introducing our kids to the things they fear?

Related Links:

Psychology Today article on helping kids with fears as mentioned in this episode - HERE

An academic article on anxiety disorders - HERE 

Wall St Journal article on how parents can make things worse for kids - HERE

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Thanks for listening!

Joy PhenixParenting