#68 - Six Life Lessons For Your Kids


Pick up your toys! Brush your teeth! Stop screaming!

As much as we would love to think our daily corrections add up to deep, important foundations with our kids, we aren’t fully convinced. On today’s podcast we take the conversation up to a bird’s-eye-view and discuss broad life lessons we want to pass along. While the list isn’t comprehensive, it will get you off to a good start of thinking about what matters in your family.

Here’s our six:

Life is difficult - Effort is required

Life is unfair - People can be mean and the world isn't out to keep you happy

Life is scary - Courage and vulnerability is required.

Life is unforgiving - Some consequences are non-negotiable

Life is bigger than you - Avoid self-centeredness

Life is short - Look higher than just this life

Talk about this:

What's on your 'life is..." list?

What lessons would you like to "turn up" in your parenting?

What are the opportunities (times, places) to advance these conversations?

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Thanks for listening!

Joy PhenixParenting