Addictive "White Trash"

In what is now an annual tradition dear readers, I humbly remind you of this oh so addictive recipe. If making this is wrong, I don't want to be right!



No single food contributes more to winter weight gain during the holidays than today's snack.  This is my "go to" hostess/party/teacher gift since I buy the supplies in bulk (they have a long shelf life!).  We affectionately call it "crack," since addiction is a serious risk.

In fact, the most common remark I hear from Billy is, "How quickly can you get this stuff out of here?"  Translation:  if you swing by our house and this is on hand, you can bet I'll be sending you home with your own stash!

Here's what you need:

  • 1 box Corn Chex cereal (you can also use Rice Chex)
  • 1 bag pretzel sticks
  • 1 package "white" or "chocolate" bark (most stores only have this available during the holidays, so I stock up!)
  • M&M's

Place the blocks of bark in a microwave proof bowl.Heat in the microwave in short, 30 second increments, stirring the blocks every time.  The blocks will gradually soften (2 minutes is all I need in my microwave).  HEAT JUST UNTIL SOFT.Stir in a couple of cups of cereal (don't measure, just eyeball!) and stir gently.After the cereal is mostly incorporated in the bark, add the pretzels and stir.


At this point, I add more ingredients (alternating between cereal and pretzels) until until there's no excess melted bark sitting in the bottom of the bowl.  Next, stir in the M&M's.


Finally, spread the mixture into a single layer on a cookie sheet lined with wax paper.  Allow it to dry before breaking apart.Serve in a bowl or put in glass jars to share with others.Enjoy.

And get it out of your house as soon as possible!