Appreciating Passing Beauty


Do you remember staring out a car window and daydreaming? I used to think about how people who first hiked over the mountains stayed warm, or I wondered how farmers planted vineyards so straight, or I would stare at the ocean and worry that someone might be lost at sea.

I had similar questions driving through cities: Is this the fastest route? Why do so many people have personalized license plates? Does "Exit Only" mean it's the ONLY lane that takes you off the freeway OR does it mean the lane only exits (and no longer continues on the freeway)?

(To be sure, my daydreams mark me as a Californian.)

But what I remember thinking most is how everything I see exists even when I'm not around to appreciate it. (et tu Kierkegaard?) In this world places come and go, thrive and fail, are built and torn down, so the least I can do is pay attention.

These car ride musings rushed to the surface when I found the video below. If you're going to spend a minute and twenty seconds watching any video today, make it this beautiful short film.

Be sure to build some margin in your day to look out the window!