Determination to do what you ought


Resolve to perform what you ought. Perform without fail what you resolve.Ben Franklin

When I started blogging, I resolved to post every day for at least the first year. Even if you don’t need to hear from me, I need the accountability of writing for an audience and the courage to push “publish.”

I’ve maintained the routine in year two for the same reasons.

Some days I show up to the blog creatively dry, but I show up because that’s what I’ve decided I ought to do. Surprisingly, on many days when I feel ill-equipped to write, my posts resonate with others most (though not always!).

At the moment I am tired and in need of sleep, but I didn’t want to fail to perform what I resolved.

And so, I’ll end simply by asking...

What OUGHT you to be doing? Have you RESOLVED to do it? Are you PERFORMING what you resolve?